Here you can browse through the composers whose works we offer:
Abeille; Pierre-Cesar (1674-1733)
Abel; Carl Friedrich (1723-1787)
Abel; Clamor Heinrich (1634–1696)
Abingdon; 4th Earl of (1740-1799)
Abundante; Giulio (fl. 1546-1587)
Agrell; Johan Joachim (1701-1765)
Aichinger; Gregor (c.1565-1628)
Alberti; Giuseppe Matteo (1685-1751)
Albertini; Ignazio (c.1644-1685)
Albicastro; Giovanni Henrico (1660-1730)
Albinoni; Tomaso Giovanni (1671-1751)
Albrechtsberger; Johann Georg (1736-1809)
Allison; Richard (c.1565-c.1606)
Antonii; Giovanni Battista degli (1636-1698)
Antonii; Pietro degli (1639-1720)
Araja; Francesco (1709–c.1769)
Ariosti; Attilio Malachia (1666-1729)
Arpinus; Joannes (c.1571-1606)
Attaingnant; Pierre (1494-1552)
Aumann; Franz Joseph (1728-1797)
Baal; Pater Marianus (1657-1701)
Bach; Carl Philipp Emanuel (1714-1788)
Bach; Johann Christian (1735-1782)
Bach; Johann Christoph Friedrich (1732-1795)
Bach; Johann Michael (1648-1694)
Bach; Johann Sebastian (1685-1750)
Bach; Wilhelm Friedemann (1710-1784)
Balbastre; Claude-Bénigne (1724-1799)
Ballard; Robert (c.1572-c.1650)
Balletti; Bernardino (fl. 1554-1568)
Barbarino; Bartolomeo detto „Il Pesarino“ (?1568–?)
Barbella; Emanuele (1718-1777)
Barberiis; Melchiore de (c.1500-1549-)
Barbetta; Giulio Cesare (1540-1603)
Barlasca; Bernardo (1560-1632)
Barnes; John (author) (1928-1998)
Baron; Ernst Gottlieb (1696-1760)
Barre; Michel de la (1675-1745)
Barrière; Jean-Baptiste (1707-1747)
Barsanti; Francesco (1690-1775)
Barthélemon; François Hippolyte (1741-1808)
Bassano; Giovanni (c.1560-1617)
Baumgarten; Karl Friedrich (c.1740-1824)
Bavington; Peter (author)(current)
Beauvarlet-Charpentier; Jean-Jacques (1734-1794)
Beethoven; Ludwig van (1770-1827)
Bellinzani; Paolo Benedetto (1682-1757)
Benda; Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich (1745-1814)
Bertalotti; Angelo Michele (1666-1747)
Berteau; Martin aka Giuseppe Martino (1691-1771)
Besard; Jean-Baptiste (c.1567-c.1625)
Bethell; Richard (author) (current)
Bianchini; Francesco (fl. 1547-8)
Biber; Carl Heinrich (1681-1749)
Biber; Heinrich Ignaz Franz von (1644-1704)
Bigaglia; Diogenio (c.1676-c.1745)
Billington; Thomas (1754-c.1832)
Bingham; George (fl. 1702-1705)
Blainville; Charles Henri de (1711-1769)
Blochwitz; Johann Martin (1687-1742)
Blovin: Julien (pre-1675-1715)
Bodinus; Sebastian (c.1700-1759)
Böhm; Johann Michael (c.1685-c.1753)
Boismortier; Joseph Bodin de (1689-1755)
Bon di Venezia; Anna (fl. 1756)
Boni; Pietro Giuseppe Gaetano (c.1686-1741)
Bononcini; Antonio Maria (1677-1726)
Bononcini; Giovanni Battista (1670-1747)
Bononcini; Giovanni Maria (1642-1678)
Bonporti; Francesco Antonio (1672-1749)
Booth; Colin (author) (current)
Boquet; Pascale & Rebours; Gérard (authors) (current)
Borrono; Pietro Paulo (c.1490-after 1563)
Bottazzari; Giovanni (fl. 1663)
Branche; Charles-Antoine (1722-1779)
Braun; Jean Daniel (fl. 1728-1740)
Brayssing; Gregoire (fl. 1547-1560)
Brescianello; Giuseppe Antonio (1690–1758)
Bréval; Jean-Baptiste Sebastien (1753-1823)
Briegel; Wolfgang Carl (1626-1712)
Bronnemüller; Elias (fl. 1690-1712)
Buffardin; Pierre-Gabriel (1690-1768)
Buonamente; Giovanni Battista (1595-1642)
Burgess Senior; Henry (fl. 1725)
Burton; Anthony (series editor) (current)
Buxtehude; Dietrich (1637-1707)
Cabezón; Antonio de (1510–1566)
Caix d'Hervelois; Louis de (c.1680-1759)
Caldwell; Catharina Meints (author) (current)
Cambini; Giuseppe M. (1746–1825)
Canavas; Jean-Baptiste (1713-1784)
Cangiasi; Giovanni Antonio (fl.1590-1614)
Capirola; Vincenzo (1474-1548)
Capricornus (Bockshorn); Samuel (1628-1665)
Caresana; Cristoforo (1640-1709)
Carleton; Nicholas (c.1570-1630)
Carulli; Ferdinando (1770-1841)
Casini; Giovanni M. (1675–1719)
Castello; Dario (c.1590-c.1658)
Castro; Francisco José de (1670-1730)
Cattaneo; Francesco Maria (1697-1758)
Cavalli; Francesco (1602-1676)
Cervetto; Giacobbe Basevi (1682-1783)
Chambonnières; Jacques Champion de (c.1602-1672)
Charlton; Andrew (author) (1928-1997)
Charpentier; Marc-Antoine (1643-1704)
Chaumont; Lambert (c.1630-1712)
Chauvon; Francois (fl. 1710-1740)
Chedeville; Nicolas (1705-1782)
Chinzer; Giovanni "da Firenze“ (c.1700–1749)
Christensen; Jesper Bøje (author)(current)
Cirri; Giovanni Battista (1724-1808)
Clarke; Jeremiah (c.1674-1707)
Clérambault; Louis-Nicolas (1676-1749)
Conradi; Johann Georg (1645-1699)
Corelli; Arcangelo (1653-1713)
Corradini; Niccolò (c.1585-1646)
Corrette; Gaspard (1670-c.1730)
Couperin; Armand-Louis (1727-1789)
Couperin; François (1668-1733)
Cousser; Jean Sigismund (1660-1727)
Cranford; William (fl. 1613-1621)
Crema; Giovanni Maria da (fl. 1520-1570)
Cupis; Jean-Baptiste (1711-1788)
Cutting; Francis (c.1550-1596)
D'Anglebert; Jean-Henri (1629-1691)
d’India; Sigismondo (c.1582-c.1629)
da Milano; Francesco (1497-1543)
dall'Abaco; Evaristo Felice (1675-1742)
dall'Abaco; Joseph Marie Clément Ferdinand (1710-1805)
Dall'Aquila; Marco (c.1480-c.1544)
dall’Abaco; Giuseppe Clemente (1710–1805)
dalla Bella; Domenico (c.1680-c.1740)
Dalla Casa; Girolamo (c.1543-1601)
Dalza; Joan Ambrosio (fl. 1508)
Dandrieu; Jean-Francois (1682-1738)
Daquin; Louis-Claude (1694-1772)
De Visee; Robert (c.1659-c.1733)
Debussy; Claude (1862-1918) & Satie; Erik (1866-1925)
Del Buono; Gioanpietro (c.1634-c.1657)
Delalande; Michel Richard (1657-1726)
Delavigne; Philibert (c.1700-1750)
des Prez; Josquin (c.1450-1521)
Devienne; Francois (1759-1803)
Dieupart; Charles (c.1670-c.1740)
Dittersdorf; Carl Ditters von (1739-1799)
Dornel; Louis-Antoine (c.1685-1765)
Draghi; Giovanni Battista (c.1640-1708)
Dreyer; Johann Melchior (1747-1824)
Duport; Jean-Pierre (1741-1818)
Durant; Paul Charles (fl. 1723)
Dusek; Frantisek Xaver (1731-1799)
Eckard; Johann-Gottfried (1735-1809)
Ehrenfried; Franz Heinrich (1747-1828)
Engelke; Ulrike (author) (current)
Erhardt; Martin (author) (current)
Erlebach; Philipp Heinrich (1657-1714)
Falckenhagen; Adam (1697-1761)
Falconieri; Andrea (1585-1656)
Farnaby; Richard (c.1594-1623)
Fasch; Johann Friedrich (1688-1758)
Ferrabosco; Alfonso I (1543–1588)
Ferrabosco; Alfonso II (1578-1628)
Ferrandini; Giovanni Battista (c.1710-1791)
Ferrari; Giacomo Gotifredo (1763–1842)
Festing; Michael Christian (1705-1752)
Fiocco; Joseph-Hector (1703-1741)
Fischer; Johann Caspar Ferdinand (1656-1746)
Fischer; Johann Christian (1733-1800)
Fitch; Frances Conover & Ashworth; Jack (authors) (current)
Florio; Pietro Grassi (18th C)
Fontana; Giovanni Battista (1589-1630)
Forqueray; Antoine (1671-1745)
Forqueray; Jean-Baptiste (1699–1782)
Francoeur; Francois (1698-1787)
Francoeur; Louis "le fils" (1692-1745)
Frescobaldi; Girolamo (1583-1643)
Fritsch; Balthasar (c.1570-c.1608)
Froberger; Johann Jacob (1616-1667)
Fuhrmann; Georg Leopold (1578-1616)
Fux; Johann Joseph (1660-1741)
Gabrielli; Domenico (1651-1690)
Gagliano; Marco da (1582-1643)
Gaidano; Daniela (author) (current)
Galilei; Michelangelo (1575-1631)
Galilei; Vincentio (c.1520-1591)
Galliard; John Ernest (1687-1749)
Gallot le Vieux; Jacques (c.1625-1695)
Galuppi; Baldassare (1706-1785)
Gambarini; Elisabetta de (1730-1765)
Ganassi; Sylvestro (ca. 1492-1565)
Geminiani; Francesco Saverio (1687-1762)
Geoffroy; Jean-Nicolas (1633-1694)
Gianoncelli; Bernardo (early 17th C.)
Gillier; Jean-Claude (1667-1737)
Giordani; Tommaso (c.1733-1806)
Giuliani; Giovanni Francesco (1760-1820)
Giuliani; Mauro Giuseppe Sergio Pantaleo (1781-1829)
Giustini; Ludovico (1685-1743)
Gluck; Christoph Willibald (1714-1787)
Goldberg; Johann Gottlieb (1727-1756)
Gorton; William (fl. 1694-d.1711)
Graaf; Christian Ernst (1723-1804)
Gradenthaler; Hieronymus (1637-1700)
Granata; Giovanni Battista (c.1620-1687)
Graun; Johann Gottlieb (1703-1771)
Graun; Karl Heinrich (1704-1759)
Graupner; Christoph (1683-1760)
Grenon; Nicholas (c. 1375-1456)
Gretsch; Johann Konrad (1710-1778)
Grigny; Nicolas de (1671-1703)
Gronau; Daniel Magnus (c.1685–1747)
Guerini; Francesco (fl. 1740-1770)
Guerre; Elisabeth-Claude Jacquet de la (1665-1729)
Guignon; Jean-Pierre (1702-1774)
Guilain; Jean-Adam (c.1680-c.1739)
Guillemain; Louis-Gabriel (1705-1770)
Guillemant; Benoît (fl. 1746-1757)
Hacquart; Carel (c.1640-1686-)
Hacquart; Philippus (c.1645-1691)
Hagen; Bernhard Joachim (1720-1787)
Hammer; Franz Xaver (1741-1817)
Hammerschmidt; Andreas (c.1611-1675)
Handel; George Frideric (1685-1759)
Handford; George (c.1583–1647)
Hardeck; Johann Carl Graf zu (1703-1752)
Hardt; Johan Daniel (1696-1763)
Hasse; Johann Adolph (1699-1783)
Hassler; Johann Wilhelm (1747-1822)
Haussmann; Valentin (c.1565-c.1614)
Haydn; (Franz) Josef (1732-1809)
Haydn; (Franz) Josef (attrib.) (1732-1809)
Heinichen; Johann David (1683-1729)
Helmont; Charles-Joseph van (1715-1790)
Hely; Cuthbert (fl. early 17th C.)
Herold; Johann Theodor (c.1660-1720)
Hertel; Johann Christian (1697-1754)
Hertel; Johann Wilhelm (1727-1789)
Herzogenberg; Heinrich von (1843-1900)
Hesse; Ernst Christian (1676-1762)
Hoffmeister; Franz Anton (1754-1812)
Hollander; Christian (1510-1568) & Luetkeman; Paul (c.1560-c.1611)
Holman; Peter (author)(current)
Hopkins; John Henry Jr (1820-1891)
Hotman; Nicholas (c.1610-1663)
Hotteterre; Jacques-Martin (1674-1763)
Hove; Joachim van den (1567-1620)
Huedelinne; Louis (fl. 1700-1710)
Hunt; Edgar (author) (1909-2006)
Infantas; Fernando de las (1534-c.1610)
Jacchini; Giuseppe Maria (1667-1727)
Jaeschke; Hermann Gustav (1818– after 1846)
Janitsch; Johann Gottlieb (1708-1763)
Janson; Jean-Baptiste (1742-1803)
Johnsen; Hinrich Philip (1716-1779)
Johnson; Robert (c.1583-c.1633)
Kapsperger; Giovanni Girolamo (c.1580-1651)
Keller; Gottfried (c.1655-1704)
Kerll; Johann Kaspar (1627-1693)
Khym; Charles (1770-after 1819)
Kilvington; Thomas (1759-1828)
Kindermann; Johann Erasmus (1616-1655)
King Frederick the Great (1712-1786)
Kirchhoff; Gottfried (1685-1746)
Kirnberger; Johann Philipp (1721-1783)
Kleinknecht; Jakob Friedrich (1722-1794)
Klengel; Auguste Alexander (1783-1852)
Knecht; Justin Heinrich (1752-1817)
Knights; Francis (author)(current)
Köningsperger; Marianus (1708-1769)
Konink; Servaas de (c. 1655-1701)
Krebs; Johann Ludwig (1713-1780)
Krieger; Johann Philipp (1649-1725)
La Barre; Michel de (c.1675-1745)
Lalande; Michel-Richard de (1657–1726)
Lang; Johann Georg (1722-1798)
Lanzetti; Salvatore (1710-1780)
Lasocki; David (author) (current)
Laufensteiner; Wolf Jacob (1676-1754)
Lauffensteiner; Wolff Jakob (1676-1754)
Laurence; Alastair (author)(current)
Laurencini da Roma (fl.1550-1608)
Lavaux; Nicolas (fl. 1736-1767)
Le Roux; Gaspard (c.1660-c.1706)
Lebegue; Nicolas-Antoine (c.1631-1702)
Lechner; Leonard (c.1553-1606)
Leclair; Jean-Marie (1697-1764)
Legnani; Angelo Domenico (1663-1700)
Legrenzi; Giovanni (1626-1690)
Leonarda; Isabella (1620-1704)
Leopold I; Holy Roman Emperor (1640-1705)
Lesage de Richee; Philipp Franz (fl. 1695)
Lester; Richard (author) (current)
Leveridge; Richard (1670-1758)
Leyding; Georg Dietrich (1664-1710)
Licino; Agostino (fl. 1535-1546)
Linley; Thomas the elder (1733–1795)
Linley; Thomas the younger (1756–1778)
Locatelli; Pietro Antonio (1695-1764)
Loeillet de Gant; Jean Baptiste (1688-1720)
Loeillet of London; Jean Baptiste (1680-1730)
Lonati; Carlo Ambrogio (1645–1710/5)
Losy; Johann Anton (c.1650-1721)
Loux; Clara Finkle (1919-2000)
Lully; Jean-Baptiste (1632-1687)
Lusse; Charles de (c.1720–1774)
Luzzaschi; Luzzasco (c.1545-1607)
Machaut; Guillaume de (c.1300-1377)
Machy; Le Sieur de (fl. 1685-92)
MacMillan; Douglas (author) (current)
Magini; Francesco (c.1668-c.1714)
Mancinelli; Domenico (1735-1802)
Mancini; Francesco (1672-1737)
Mancinus; Thomas (1550-c.1611)
Mantel; John Christian (1706-1761)
Marais; Roland Pierre (c.1685-c.1750)
Marcello; Alessandro (1673-1747)
Marcello; Benedetto (1686-1739)
Marpurg; Friedrich Wilhelm (1718-1795)
Martin; Anne (author) (current)
Martini; Giovanni Battista (1706-1784)
Marzis; Pasqualino de (c.1700-c.1747)
Masse; Jean-Baptiste (c.1700-c.1757)
Matelart; Johannes (c.1535–1607)
Matiegka; Wenzel Thomas (1773-1830)
Matteis Sr; Nicola (c.1650-1714-)
Matthes; Carl Ludwig (1751-after 1788)
Matthysz; Paulus (1613/4-1684)
Mayone; Ascanio (c. 1565-1627)
Mayr; Rupert Ignaz (1646-1712)
Mazzochi; Domenico (1592-1665)
Meder; Johann Valentin (1649–1719)
Mehul; Etienne-Nicolas (1763-1817)
Melani; Alessandro (1639-1703)
Melii da Reggio; Pietro Paulo (1579-1623)
Mente; Johann Gottfried (1698-c.1760)
Molter; Johann Melchior (1696-1765)
Mondonville; Jean-Joseph Cassanea de (1711-1772)
Monn; Georg Matthias (1717-1750)
Montanari; Antonio Maria (1676-1737)
Montéclair; Michel Pignolet de (1667-1737)
Monteverdi; Claudio (1567-1643)
Morelli; Cesare (fl. 1660s–1686)
Morris; Miriam (author) (current)
Mouret; Jean-Joseph (1682-1738)
Mozart; Wolfgang Amadeus (1756-1791)
Muller-Zurich; Paul (1898-1993)
Muller; Jean Michel (1683-1743)
Muskett; Doreen & Michael (author) (current)
Nanino; Giovanni Maria (c.1544-1607)
Naudot; Jacques Christophe (c.1690-1762)
Nauwach; Giovanni (c.1595-1630)
Neubauer; Franz Christoph (1760-1795)
Neusidler; Melchior (1531-1590)
Newarke; William (c.1450-1509)
Nicholson; Richard (1563-1639)
Nicolai; Johann Michael (1629-1685)
Nicolai; Johann Nicolaus (d.1728)
Nivers; Guillaume Gabriel (1632-1714)
Norcombe; Daniel (c.1576-1655)
O'Carolan; Turlough (1670-1738)
Ochsenkhun; Sebastian (1521-1574)
Ockeghem; Johannes (1420–1497)
Paganelli; Giuseppe Antonio (1710-c.1763)
Paladino; Giovanni Paolo (fl. 1540-1560)
Palestrina; Giovanni Pierluigi da (1525-1594)
Pandolfi (Mealli); Giovanni Antonio (17C)
Paradies; Pietro Domenico (1707-1791)
Pasquini; Bernardo (1637-1710)
Patoni; Giovanni Battista (1713–c.1772)
Pepusch; Johann Christoph (1667-1752)
Pergolesi; Giovanni Battista (1710-1736)
Peruffo; Mimmo (author) (current)
Pescetti; Giovanni Battista (1704-1766)
Petz; Johann Christoph (1664-1716)
Pez; Johann Christoph (1664-1716)
Pezel; Johann Christoph (1639-1694)
Phalese; Pierre (c.1510-c.1575)
Phelps; John Randolph (1909-2010)
Philidor L’Aîné; André Danican (1652-1730)
Philidor; Anne Danican (1681-1728)
Philidor; François Danican (1689-1717)
Philidor; François-André Danican (1726-1795)
Philidor; Pierre Danican (1681-1731)
Piani; Giovanni Antonio (1678-1759)
Piccinini; Alessandro (1566-c.1638)
Picinetti; Felice Maria (1683-1756)
Pilkington; Francis (c.1565-1638)
Pisendel; Johann Georg (1687-1755)
Platti; Giovanni Benedetto (1697-1763)
Podbielski; Christian (1683-1753)
Podbielski; Christian Wilhelm (1741-1792)
Poglietti; Alessandro (c.1600-1683)
Possenti; Pellegrino (1597-1649)
Praetorius; Michel (1571-1621)
Quagliati; Paolo (c.1555-1628)
Quantz; Johann Joachim (1697-1773)
Quentin le Jeune; Jean Baptiste (c.1690-c.1742)
Raetzel; Anton (c.1724-after 1760)
Raimondi; Ignazio (c.1735-1813)
Raimondo; Pietro Paolo (fl. 1600)
Rameau; Jean-Philippe (1683-1764)
Ranish; John Frederick (1693-1777)
Rathgeber; Johann Valentin (1682-1750)
Raval; Sebastian (c.1550-1604)
Ravenscroft; John (c.1665-1697)
Ravenscroft; Thomas (c.1582-c.1635)
Reincken; Johann Adam (1643-1722)
Riccio; Giovanni Battista (16-17C)
Richter; Ferdinand Tobias (1651-1711)
Richter; Frances Xaver (1709-1789)
Rigatti; Giovanni Antonio (c.1614-1648)
Rippert; Jean-Jacques (c. 1645-1724)
Rittler; Philipp Jakob; Bertali; Antonio (17th C.)
Roberday; François (1624-1680)
Rognoni Taeggio; Francesco (1570-1626)
Rognoni; Riccardo (c.1550-by 1620)
Roman; Johan Helmich (1694-1758)
Roncalli; Lodovico (1654-1713)
Rore; Cipriano de (c.1515-1565)
Roseingrave; Thomas (1690-1766)
Roseingrave; Thomas (c.1690-1766)
Rosenmüller; Johann (1619-1684)
Rossi; Michelangelo (c.1601-1656)
Rotenbucher; Erasmus (c.1525-1586)
Rowland-Jones; Anthony (1926-2020)
Royer; Joseph-Nicolas-Pancrace (c.1705-1755)
Ruhe; Johann Friedrich (1699-1776)
Rust; Friedrich Wilhelm (1739-1796)
Ruvo; Giulio de (c.1650-c.1716)
Saggione; Giuseppe Fedeli (1680-1733)
Saint Luc; Jacques de (1616-1710)
Sainte-Colombe (le fils); Monsieur de (c.1660-c.1720)
Sainte-Colombe (le père); Monsieur de (fl. 1658–1687)
Salaman; Clare (author) (current)
Salfield; Ben (author) (current)
Sammartini; Giuseppe (1695-1750)
Sanguinazzo; Niccolo (fl. 1690-1720)
Scarlatti; Alessandro (1660-1725)
Scarlatti; Domenico (1685-1757)
Schaffrath; Christoph (1709-1763)
Scheidemann; Heinrich (c.1595-1663)
Scheiffelhut; Jacob (1647–1709)
Schickhardt; Johann Christian (c.1682-c.1762)
Schiffelholz; Johann Paul (1685-1758)
Schimmelpfennig; Georg (1582-1637)
Schlegel; Andreas (author) (current)
Schlegel; Andreas & Luedtke; Joachim (authors) (current)
Schlick; Arnolt (c.1460-c.1521)
Schmelzer; Anton Andreas (1653-1701)
Schmelzer; Johann Heinrich (c.1623-1680)
Schmikerer; Johann Abraham (1661-1719)
Schmugel; Johann-Christoph (1727-1798)
Schneider; Johann Christian Friedrich (1786-1853)
Schnell; Johann Jakob (1687-1754)
Schnizer; Franz-Xaver (1740-1785)
Schönebeck; Carl Siegemund (1758-1806)
Schultze; Johann Christian (c.1730)
Schultze; Johann Christoph (c.1733-1813)
Schwartzkopff; Theodor (1659-1732)
Sebastiani; Johann (1622-1683)
Segerman; Ephraim (author)(-2019)
Seidel; Ferdinand (c.1700-1773)
Seixas; Jose Antonio Carlos de (1704-1742)
Selma y Salaverde; Bartolomeo de (c.1595-c.1640)
Senaillé; Jean Baptiste (c.1688-1730)
Simmes; William (c.1575-c.1625)
Simonetti; Giovanni Paolo aka Winfried Michel (current)
Simpson; Christopher (c.1604-1669)
Simpson; Thomas (c.1582-c.1630)
Sirmen; Maddalena Laura (1735-1785)
Smith; John Christopher (1712–1795)
Somis; Giovanni Battista (1686-1763)
Sperindio; Bertoldo (c.1530–1570)
Spiegler; Matthias (1595-1631)
Stamitz; Carl Philipp (1745-1801)
Stamitz; Johann Wenzel Anton (1717-1757)
Steffani; Agostino (1653-1728)
Steffkins; Dietrich (1600-1673)
Stiastny; Bernhard (c.1760-c.1835)
Stolzel; Gottfried Heinrich (1690-1749)
Stradella; Alessandro (1644-1682)
Strozzi; Gregorio (c.1615-after 1687)
Stuck; Jean-Baptiste (1680-1755)
Sullivan; Sir Arthur S. (1842–1900)
Supriano; Francesco Paolo (1678-1753)
Susato; Tielmann (c.1500-after 1570)
Sweelinck; Jan Pieterszoon (1562-1621)
Tárrega; Francisco (1852-1909)
Telemann; Georg Philipp (1681-1767)
Terzi; Giovanni Antonio (16th C.)
Tessarini; Carlo (c. 1690-c.1766)
Thalheimer; Peter (author) (current)
Tisdale; William (c.1570-c.1604)
Tromboncino; Hippolito (mid-16th C.)
Tromlitz; Johann George (1725-1805)
Uccellini; Marco (c.1603-1680)
Valderrabano; Enriques de (c.1500-after 1557)
Valentini; Giuseppe (1681-1753)
Vallotti; Francesco Antonio (1697-1780)
Van Blanckenburg; Quirinus (Gerbrandzoon) (1654-1739)
van Wilder; Philip (c.1500-1554)
Various Composers (15-19th C.)
Various Composers (16-18th C.)
Various Composers (17th-19th C.)
Various Composers (late 15th C.)
Various Composers (mid-16th C.)
Vejvanovsky; Pavel Josef (c.1633-1693)
Vellekoop; K. (author)(current)
Veracini; Francesco Maria (1690-1768)
Vermeij; Koen (author)(current)
Viadana; Lodovico Grosso da (1560-1627)
Viotti; Giovanni Battista (1755-1824)
Virgiliano; Aurelio (fl. 1600)
Vitali; Giovanni Battista (1632-1692)
Vitali; Tomaso Antonio (1663-1745)
Vivaldi; Antonio Lucio (1678-1741)
Viviani; Giovanni Buonaventura (1638-1693)
Vojta; Jan Ignác František (c.1660-<1725)
Wagenseil; Georg Christoph (1715-1777)
Walther; Johann Gottfried (1684-1748)
Weckmann; Matthias (c.1616-1674)
Weiss; Silvius Leopold (1686-1750)
Westhoff; Johann Paul (1656-1705)
Wind; Thiemo (author) (current)
Wolff; Christian Michael (1707-1789)
Zachow; Friedrich Wilhelm (1663-1712)
Zanetti; Francesco (1737-1788)
Zappa; Francesco (fl. 1763-88)
Zelenka; Jan Dismas (1679-1745)