| P-RSC006 | Balbastre | Marche des Marsellois et l'Air Ça-Ira | £9.00 |
| CHVRO17a | Balbastre | Noels for organ Vol. 1: First and Second Suitte de Noels | £31.32 |
| CHVRO17b | Balbastre | Noels for organ Vol. 2: Third and Fourth Suitte de Noels & other pieces | £27.00 |
| FF50149 | Balbastre | Pieces for clavecin First book (Paris, 1759) | £15.60 |
| HE32387 | Balbastre | Pieces for clavecin, organ and fortepiano | £63.59 |
| FF1274 | Balbastre | Recueil de Noels in 4 suites with variations for harpsichord and fortepiano (Paris, 1770) | £32.40 |